Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Trick-or-treat, isn't my costume sweet?!

Halloween is by far the best holiday out there in my opinion. The only down fall is you sometimes end up dishing out a fortune for a costume that, let's be honest, usually doesn't have much to it. So my advice to you is to get creative this Halloween and make your own costume! Not only is it much cheaper to make your own threads, but the chances of someone showing up in the same garb as you is slim to none.

Here are some great sites that I have found with ideas for costumes to make yourself:

Here's a glance at some of the costumes I have made in the past:

Mad Hatter & an Incredible

Black Swan & Indiana Jones

Black Cat & Monster

Peacock & Cat Woman

This years costume: a bat. Pictures to come! Embrace your creativity and this grand holiday, now get to brainstorming :]

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